Information about our Parent Teacher League (CCA PTL)
PTL Remind Account: Our PTL has a remind account. Please sign up under class code: @jfmcp.
The CCA PTL is an organization of parents and teachers of Cornerstone whose goal is to promote a better educational environment for our students. Through fundraising efforts, the PTL helps to provide recreational equipment and educational materials for the school that might not otherwise be available for school.
The PTL fundraisers have recently helped to purchase “big ticket” items such as:
Kitchen remodel, new storage closets, Silly Safaris, and so much more
The PTL also funds the school web/phone service and the online grading system (Thinkwave).
Also, the PTL is involved with the following activities:
Organizing the Cornerstone T-Shirt Orders
Organizing Refreshments for School Programs
Organizing Teacher Appreciation Week
Organizing and Running the Spring Carnival for the Students
Playground maintenance
And many other things
The PTL fundraisers have recently helped to purchase “big ticket” items such as:
Kitchen remodel, new storage closets, Silly Safaris, and so much more
The PTL also funds the school web/phone service and the online grading system (Thinkwave).
Also, the PTL is involved with the following activities:
Organizing the Cornerstone T-Shirt Orders
Organizing Refreshments for School Programs
Organizing Teacher Appreciation Week
Organizing and Running the Spring Carnival for the Students
Playground maintenance
And many other things